What is FatCoupon?
Fat Coupon handpicks the most up-to-date promo codes and deals then adds them right to your cart when you use the browser extension or promo code app to shop.
What is FatCoupon?
Have you tried Coupon apps and Chrome promo code extensions, only to find them lacking? Are the promo codes you’ve manually entered often out of date and low-value?

At FatCoupon, we have one goal: To streamline your shopping experience by providing the best shopping app and coupon extension available anywhere.
Start by adding FatCoupon to your phone or computer today:
Shopping online should be fun. Gone are the days of clipping coupons endlessly to find the best deal available. Our team works tirelessly so you can be sure you are buying that new pair of Nikes at the lowest price possible. We curate and test codes every day so you don’t have to.
What Makes Us The Best Shopping Coupon App Chrome Promo Code Extension?
The best part about all of this? It’s free and automatic! We are the only Coupon that delivers deals right to your mobile device through our iOS and Android apps. That means wherever your day may take you, you will waste no time searching for the best deals. We’ve already found them!
Our Chrome coupon extension offers peace of mind others cannot deliver. We’re not into shady cashback programs you may never use that risk your privacy and take days to deliver. Neither our apps or Chrome extension require account creation to access deals.
We believe in savings, simplicity, and all-around enjoyable shopping experiences.
The Best Coupon Extension and Shopping App is Already at Your Fingertips!
You are only seconds away from getting the next deals on that great winter coat, or those rad Converse you’ve been eyeing for weeks.
Download our iOS or Android app now and start your savings journey with us immediately. We can’t wait to sit happily on your dash and change your shopping experience for the better.
Find out why so many call us the best Chrome promo code extension out there now!